Sunday, August 9, 2020

Invasive Species

 Invasive species are one of the largest threats to biodiversity across the globe, and my study area is no exception.  Here's a listing of some of the more visible invasives in the area, but it is far from comprehensive.

Climate Data

 As we learned in our exploration of ecology, the abiotic factors in a region have a major impact on the types of species that can live in an ecosystem.  Climate is the average of all the short term weather conditions in a specific region.  Weather includes all the atmospheric conditions that we are familiar with, temperature, wind, precipitate, etc.  The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through the National Centers for Environmental Information allows access to numerous climatalogical resources from their vast database.  I have pulled the local climatalogical data from Aug 1, 2019-Aug 1, 2020 for the closest station to my study area, the Mountain Home Baxter County Regional Airport.


Here is the link to the download tool.

Climate Data Online

This output generates daily data that can be used for custom analysis.  The data station website, Mountain Home Baxter County Airport, contains some useful averages and norms for the area.